Time Management Hacks for Busy CLAT Aspirants

With so much on your plate, time management becomes crucial to ensure you cover all the necessary topics while keeping yourself healthy and focused. A well-crafted routine can make all the difference between feeling overwhelmed and staying on track.

1. Prioritize with the 80/20 Rule

The Pareto Principle, commonly known as the 80/20 rule, suggests that 80% of results come from 20% of efforts. In the context of CLAT preparation, this means identifying the sections and topics that carry the most weight in the exam. Legal reasoning, English, and current affairs, for example, are high-scoring areas. Focus 80% of your time on these critical sections and 20% on fine-tuning other topics. This ensures that your energy is concentrated on areas with the highest payoff.

2. Time Blocking for Focused Study

Time blocking is a method where you assign specific blocks of time to different tasks. Instead of an open-ended “study all day” approach, break your day into chunks. For example:

  • 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Legal Reasoning
  • 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Logical Reasoning
  • 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: English Comprehension

By setting a clear start and stop time, you create urgency and focus for each session. This method also ensures that every subject gets the attention it deserves without leading to burnout. Use tools like Google Calendar to set reminders and keep track of your daily progress.

3. The Pomodoro Technique for Deep Work

The Pomodoro Technique involves working in bursts of 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. After four such “Pomodoros,” take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. This method helps maintain focus while ensuring you don’t overwork yourself.

(During the 25-minute sessions, eliminate all distractions—no phone, no social media, just deep, focused work. The short breaks act as refreshers, keeping your mind sharp throughout the day.)

4. Set SMART Goals for Weekly Milestones

Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals can help break down your larger CLAT preparation into weekly milestones. For instance, instead of having a vague goal like “improve in legal reasoning,” create a SMART goal: “Complete 10 legal reasoning case studies and score at least 80% on each by the end of the week.” By tracking smaller, achievable targets, you can avoid the last-minute rush and stay on top of your preparation.

5. Batch Similar Tasks Together

Instead of jumping between subjects or types of study materials, group similar tasks together. For example:
  • Dedicate a specific time for solving mock papers.
  • Have a separate block for reading current affairs.
  • Set aside evenings for revising notes and going through vocabulary lists.
Batching similar tasks reduces the cognitive load of switching between different types of activities, thereby improving efficiency.

6. Leverage Micro-Learning Moments

When you’re busy, finding large chunks of time for study can be difficult. Instead, make use of micro-learning moments during your day. These are small pockets of time (5-15 minutes) that are often wasted but can be put to productive use. For instance:

  • Morning Routine: Listen to a podcast on current affairs while getting ready.
  • Commute Time: Revise vocabulary or legal concepts on flashcard apps during your commute.
  • Waiting in Queues: Catch up on news updates using your phone or read an article on legal reasoning.
These mini-learning sessions can add up significantly over time.

7. Create a ‘Not-To-Do’ List

A ‘Not-To-Do’ list is as crucial as your to-do list. Identify the activities that are time-drainers or unproductive for your CLAT prep. For example:
  • Limit social media scrolling to 10 minutes during breaks.
  • Avoid multitasking during study sessions (like watching TV while revising).
  • Don’t engage in last-minute cramming—ensure you revise steadily over time.
By removing distractions and unproductive habits, you can focus more on high-value tasks.

8. Optimize Your Sleep and Exercise Routine

Preparing for CLAT isn’t just a mental challenge; it’s a physical one too. If you neglect your health, your preparation will suffer. Here’s how to optimize your sleep and exercise routines for better focus:
  • Sleep Smart: Make sure you get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Research shows that deep sleep improves memory retention, which is crucial for subjects like current affairs and legal reasoning.
  • Exercise Daily: Even a 20-minute workout can improve blood circulation, which in turn boosts focus and cognitive function. Simple stretching, yoga, or brisk walking can reduce stress and keep you energized.
Incorporating these habits will keep your brain refreshed and ready for intense study sessions.

9. Use Study Apps for Better Time Management

There are plenty of apps available that can help you manage time and track your progress more effectively. Here are a few:
  • Forest: This app helps you stay off your phone while studying. It uses a visual reward system to motivate you to focus on your task.
  • Trello or Notion: These apps allow you to create study boards, organize notes, and track tasks, ensuring nothing gets missed.
  • Quizlet: For quick revision of vocabulary and legal terms. It allows you to create flashcards and quizzes, which you can access during micro-learning sessions.
By using these tools, you can streamline your preparation process and focus on what’s important.

10. Practice Time Management with Mock Tests

One of the most effective ways to prepare for CLAT is by taking full-length mock tests under timed conditions. Set a timer and attempt the paper exactly like the actual exam. This practice will help you:
  • Identify time-consuming sections.
  • Improve your ability to answer quickly and accurately.
  • Develop a strategy for section prioritization.
After each mock test, analyze your performance and revise your time management strategy accordingly.

11. Combine Study and Leisure for a Balanced Routine

Maintaining a healthy balance between studies and relaxation is essential. Make time for activities that help you unwind, such as:
  • Reading for Pleasure: While you might be reading a lot for CLAT, don’t forget to pick up books that you enjoy. It keeps the mind fresh.
  • Meditation or Mindfulness: A 10-minute daily meditation session can help clear your mind and reduce stress. This practice will enhance your ability to concentrate during study sessions.
  • Social Time: Don’t isolate yourself completely. Social interactions can help break the monotony and prevent burnout.
Having a balanced routine ensures that you are recharged for your next intense study session.

12. Stay Flexible and Adapt

No study plan is perfect, and sometimes things won’t go as scheduled. It’s important to stay flexible and adapt when needed. If you miss a study session, don’t stress about it—reschedule it to another time instead of panicking. Similarly, if one method of study isn’t working, be open to trying new strategies or tweaking your routine.


CLAT preparation can be daunting, especially for busy aspirants juggling multiple responsibilities. However, with the right time management hacks—like using the 80/20 rule, implementing the Pomodoro technique, utilizing micro-learning moments, and maintaining a balanced routine—you can create an effective study plan without feeling overwhelmed. Remember that success comes not only from hard work but also from working smartly. Prioritize your tasks, stay focused, and don’t forget to take care of your health and well-being. With consistent effort and proper time management, you’ll be well-prepared to ace the CLAT exam.