Most Important Latin Maxims

  • September 17, 2023
  • By admin

Most Important Latin Maxims

Decoding the Legal Language: The Must Know Latin Maxims

Hi Law Aspirants,

Lawyers really like to use Latin phrases, and there’s a good reason for it.
A long time ago, the legal system of ancient Rome had a big impact on how laws work in many Western countries. Imagine back then, the Romans were in charge of a huge area that included Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. They had a saying, “divide et impera,” which means “divide and conquer.”

 As they expanded their rule, the Romans aimed to assimilate the non-Roman populations, often referred to as “barbarians,” into their way of thinking and behaving, essentially molding them into Romans. As the Roman Empire gradually declined and eventually vanished, the legal systems in the regions they once ruled underwent adaptations. For instance, England, along with many of its former colonies, and the United States of America, adopted a modified version of the ancient Roman legal system known as “Common Law.”

 This historical influence is why lawyers today frequently use Latin words and phrases. Additionally, mastering these phrases becomes a rite of passage in law school, ensuring that they remain an integral part of legal discourse.

In law entrance examinations we often come across these terms, thus knowing them beforehand is an added advantage to your preparations.  So, Champs as you are set to onboard your journey of becoming a lawyer, you must learn these phrases early on, it can really help you get ready for law school and your law entrance exams.

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